Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Baby Quinton is home!

After a week in the NICU, Marlee and Brad were able to take baby Quinton home. Quinton was born with his lungs under developed and had to have some extra help with breathing. He continued to show what a trooper he was and improved each day he was there. It is so nice to have him finally home and be able to hold him! Love the babies. He is a cutie and we are definitely blessed with his sweet spirit and freshness from heaven.

Quinton loves having both hands to the side of his face. It just goes to show how they hung out in the belly!

Bre just adored him. She was so excited to hold him! She would climb up on the couch and say "Tinton" as she held out her hands.


heather said...

So cute. Can I just say how posts like this are doing nothing for me and my "let's wait another month to get pregnant" kick that I am on! Bree is so stinkin cute, by the way.

Shani said...

All these new babies are making me baby hungry! What about you....Glad he is home and well now. What an angel!