What a weekend! This Fourth of July was smaller than normal, but just as busy. My mom and dad's neighborhood decided to do a bike parade this year, like the good old days. So my dad had a brilliant idea to decorate the four-wheeler trailer and load all the grandkids in it. We went over Thursday and decorated the trailer and then woke up early Friday morning to get out there. The parade turned out so cute and I couldn't believe how creative people got with their decorations and what they decorated. There were bikes, golf-carts, mini jeeps, strollers, and wagons. We paraded through the neighborhood and then had some breakfast. Later in the evening, we went up to my sister's clubhouse and had a BBQ and went swimming. Then instead of doing our own fireworks, we watched them from a spot in Herriman where you could see the entire valley. It ended up being less of a hassle and really nice to just relax. Gavin and Bre loved the fireworks and I had a blast just watching them enjoy this holiday!
This is our float for the parade. Not too shabby!

Keaton, Gavin, Bre, and Kailee getting ready for the parade.

The kids are throwing taffy to the spectators. We had to remind Gavin to throw lightly, as we did not want him to hit anyone in the face:)

Keaton, Dylan, Bre, Kailee and Gavin as we are wrapping up the parade. Check out those cool blue vests for the boys, and red lapels for the girls:) I had to wear one myself to make sure I was looking good as well:) A cute little lady gave them to all the kids to wear in parade.

Here is a view of some of the kids riding in the parade.

On Saturday we went out to lunch with Chad's family. It has been quite the week for MarLee and Brad so it was nice to be with them. I am so amazed with MarLee and her strength. For this being her first baby and all that has happened, her optimisim and positivity is definitely inspiring. After lunch we headed over to Nana's and Papa's and the kids played in the water. We had a great time relaxing and enjoyed being with everyone.
Here is Aunt Meggie playing in the pool with B's. Aunt Meggie is such a fun aunt!

Here is Uncle Brad playing in the water with Gav. Uncle Brad is a kid himself and Gavin and B's absolutely adore him!

Thank you to both my families for making this weekend so fun for Gavin and Bre!