Saturday, September 13, 2008

Back In Business!

We are alive, I promise! It has been complete madness since the last time I updated this Blog. August just gets crazy, especially because I am getting back in the working mom mode. Warning...This may be a long post and unfortunately Chad took his laptop to work and I am unable to download pictures to go along with it. So I will at least update what is going on now and then add pictures on Monday; so here we go.
Lil' Miss Bre turned the BIG 2 on August 16th! We had all the family over to party and she was definitely not disappointed. She got a Dora hot wheel so she can now go ridin with Gaver, lots and lots of dress up clothes, shoes, crowns, purses, tutu's, make-up, etc. Yes, she is all girl but can hold her own with the boys! My mom repainted my old doll bunk-bed set and high chair and added some little girlie details for Bre, along with matching blankets for her and her babies. I just can't believe that she is 2. It goes by way too fast! She is into singing right now and when she is playing you can hear her singing Dora, happy birthday or Itsy Bitsy Spider. She wants to do everything by herself and will absolutely lose it if you don't let her DO IT! Bre is beginning to test us and our discipline methods. When we go to talk to her in time-out and ask her if she is going to hit/pinch/bite again she will say "yes." Yet, since other little cousins have been born, whenever they are around she becomes a little mom. It is the cutest thing to watch. I just love being able to be her mom, I am truly blessed!
Then Gaver started Preschool in August as well. He goes three days a week for almost 3 hours. He loves dressing the frog each day, having a job to help his teacher out and making his friends laugh. He gets to do show-and-tell every Friday and it is hilarious to see what he wants to bring. He wanted to bring his bike helmet, just so he could show his friends how he can snap and unsnap the buckle. He said that his friends thought he was cool! He is just growing so big and amazes me with what he does. On Labor Day we were getting ready to run some errands and Chad was slow getting ready, so Gav looks and me and says, "Mom, let's just leave the nerd!" He cracks me up! Right now, he is into this boy/girl thing. He can't have anything or do anything that is, in his eyes, considered a "girl thing". It has to be for boys only. He also just started soccer today! He had a blast and I loved watching them play. It is hilarious to see them flock to the ball, tackle the ball and hit the ball. Gav scored his first goal, just for the other team, but who was a goal:) How did I get so lucky to be his mom?
Chad is still trucking along and working hard as usual. He actually just started taking some college courses through UVU. Ha Ha, finally it is his turn! He is working on getting his pre-req's done so he can prepare himself for Paramedic school. The last two weeks he has been going through High-Rescue Tech. training and Confined Spaces Rescue training. It has been crazy listening to what they had to do and hopefully I can get some of the pictures he took of the training. But, I must say I am ready to have him back to his normal schedule, it really stinks having to take the kids every day to a babysitter. It is nice only having to do that twice a week.
As for me, I found out that the pain I was having back in August was from an ovarian cyst that had ruptured. At least it was nothing too bad and hopefully there aren't many more. Now, that I know what it was and I see all the medical bills from those visits and rides, I wish I would have just stayed home and dealt with it! Anyways, school is back in and I am back at work. I switched schools again and I am happy to say that I am loving it. I am teaching 6th grade and I am at the school that I went to growing up. It is fun being back there, I get to see some familiar faces, and it feels good being there. The kids that I have this year and great and I enjoy going to my job. I am just hoping that things settle down a little, it is tough starting the school year and getting back it a routine again. However, I am getting excited for the fall season and the holiday season to start. I am already listening to Christmas music, we are the "ber" months. I just love this time of year.
I hope I didn't miss anything. Just give me a couple of days and there will be pictures to follow. I just want my family to know how much I love them. I couldn't do what I do nor could I have accomplished what I have if it weren't for them. My family is my driving force and my absolute happiness. I look forward to seeing my kids in the morning, spending time with them in the evening, and reading books to them as we get ready for bed! I owe it to them for making me the mom, wife, and person that I am! I love you guys!


heather said...

Wow you sound like you have been so busy. I'm glad to hear that you back pain wasn't anything huge, but bummer about all of those medical bills. I know that pain believe me, do you know how much a CT Scan costs? Geez, stupid Burley. Anyway i'm glad your posting, tell Chad good luck with school and post some pics of your kids soon. :)

Grant and Alli said...

I am so glad you updated your blog! I was starting to worry about ya:) Life has been pretty crazy, and it definitely helps to have such a great familia!! Love ya to death sis!!!

Kelley Rae said...

Gavin is a hoot! I love that his friends think he's "cool!" I'm glad the school year is going well too, funny how you can tell just from the first week how the whole year is going to go. I'm excited to see the pics from Bre's b-day. What a cute lil two year old!

Brock and Kristi said...

I love Gavin's comment about leaving the nerd. That made me laugh. You guys are busy busy people. How do you find time to play softball on Mondays? Cute family. I can't believe Bre is 2, it seems like you just had her!

Shani said...

Mothagoose is back in the game. Yahoo. You have had a busy summer! Medical bills are not cool. I am still paying off my surgery from April. Usually when I get one paid off another injury occurs. WTF? Anywhooooooo, keep us updated on the happenings at the Pate household! Love ya!

Brooks and Mandy said...

Hey where are those pictures we were promised a few weeks ago in your post????