I know, I know, this is a little late. But hey! Better late than never, right? Well, Chad and I decided to take the kids to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point. Shocking I know, Chad and I together!!!!!!! Gaver loves dinosaurs and Bre just loves to be out. I did not realize how big this place actually was. There were different sections that focused on the different dinosaurs and ancient animals. Gaver loved the stegosaurus, the brontosaurus and especially the t-rex. It was so fun to listen to him point the dinosaurs as we walked around. I am always amazed at what he says and what he remembers. We walked through and were able to dig for dinosaurs bones, play in the mud and build our own dinosaur lands, and see all the many ancient and extinct animals. The hardest parts were in the hands-on areas, there were so many kids that space and toys were limited. If we go again we need to go on a week day or non-holiday to beat the crowds.