Christmas Day (We are working backwards)
Nana and Papa's house!
Gavin with his StarWars legos
Papa picked this present out for Gav, what a great Papa!
What is a princess without a tutu!
Me and my kiddies!

Chad got to come home from work for 2 hours!

Bre was so excited to get a camera. She would take a picture and then tell me I am Tinkerbell.

Gav in front of his stash! He had a lego Christmas!

Bre in front of hers! She got lots of baby stuff and a Dora table. She was so upset that she couldn't take it in the bath tub with her!

This Christmas I decided to surprise Chad with a firefighter quilt. This was the first quilt I have done in a long time. My sweet aunt Brenda held my hand the whole way. Thanks Aunt Brenda! I think we surprised Chad.

Chad got to come home from work for 2 hours!

Bre was so excited to get a camera. She would take a picture and then tell me I am Tinkerbell.

Gav in front of his stash! He had a lego Christmas!
Bre in front of hers! She got lots of baby stuff and a Dora table. She was so upset that she couldn't take it in the bath tub with her!
This Christmas I decided to surprise Chad with a firefighter quilt. This was the first quilt I have done in a long time. My sweet aunt Brenda held my hand the whole way. Thanks Aunt Brenda! I think we surprised Chad.
Gavin with his presents, he got a light saver and Air hog helicopters and jets!

Bre got a Dora play house and a shopping cart. She went around the house "shopping" the rest of the night!
Bre got a Dora play house and a shopping cart. She went around the house "shopping" the rest of the night!
Gavin on the Jullenissen's lap (aka Uncle Rick) he is the Norwegian santa claus.

Dancing around the tree to Norwegian polka music. Yes, that is my cute little grandma being escorted around by Cody. She was in heaven, but once around the tree was good enough for her.
Gavin and Noah chillin'

My cute little Norwegian Grandma Kari (who I am named after) and me!

The beautiful tables before we sat down for dinner. My mom did an excellent job! We have pork and Korv ( a type of sausage), sukral (cabbage), potatoes! Delicious. For dessert we have rice cream with a red sauce. Whoever finds the almond gets a marzipan pig.

Building snowmen!
Pajama night! We had a surprise santa come for the kids. Gav was acting too shy and Bre was scared out of her mind!

Gavin wouldn't take his hands away from his eyes, so Santa being the great person he is played along!
Our family in our new PJ's thanks to Grandma Kari and Bompa!
The girlies in our PJ's!
Annual Shrimp dinner at Grandma Tootsie's and Grandpa Tom's house! We do this the Sunday before Christmas every year. They have delicious shrimp and steak along with the other fixin's and boy is it something we all look forward to all year long! Thanks Grandma and Grandpa!
Bre with her baby from Grandma Tootsie, Grandpa Tome and Aunt Brenda. They gave her books, mini Dora cd and my Aunt Brenda's old June and Julie doll that was purchased in the 1960's. What a great keepsake for Bre! Thanks guys!
Dancing around the tree to Norwegian polka music. Yes, that is my cute little grandma being escorted around by Cody. She was in heaven, but once around the tree was good enough for her.
My cute little Norwegian Grandma Kari (who I am named after) and me!
The beautiful tables before we sat down for dinner. My mom did an excellent job! We have pork and Korv ( a type of sausage), sukral (cabbage), potatoes! Delicious. For dessert we have rice cream with a red sauce. Whoever finds the almond gets a marzipan pig.
Playing around getting ready for Christmas to come!
Gavin and his buddies, Dylan and Colton rocking out in his bedroom. I came in and found them on his desk, dancing and singing and I just had to take a picture!
Building snowmen!
Gavin wouldn't take his hands away from his eyes, so Santa being the great person he is played along!
After dinner they surprised all their great-grandkid's with presents. They sure know how to spoil them!
Gavin with his popper gun, along with Batman legos, spiderman shooter, and a car night light!
Bre in her Christmas dress. She loved twirling in it.

Chad snowplowing with the boys. Gavin is in the Nacho Libre mask and Dylan is in front.

Gavin had his preschool Christmas performance! He did a great job. He wasn't too big on the whole hand gestures, but he did sing. There were a couple of yawns inbetween words, however. Hey, what can I say, this may not be his cup of tea! There is a video of him singing Jingle Bells, that he did enjoy!

Gavin in his preschool performance attire. What a cute rudolph!

Ornament Night at Nana's and Papa's. Every year Nana and Papa give us an ornament for our tree. What I love most about it is that the ornament they give has a certain meaning to it. It can be about a certain milestone, event, or memory they have of you for the year. This means a lot to us and I appreciate the thoughtfulness they give to it each year.
Chad snowplowing with the boys. Gavin is in the Nacho Libre mask and Dylan is in front.
Gavin had his preschool Christmas performance! He did a great job. He wasn't too big on the whole hand gestures, but he did sing. There were a couple of yawns inbetween words, however. Hey, what can I say, this may not be his cup of tea! There is a video of him singing Jingle Bells, that he did enjoy!
Gavin in his preschool performance attire. What a cute rudolph!
Ornament Night at Nana's and Papa's. Every year Nana and Papa give us an ornament for our tree. What I love most about it is that the ornament they give has a certain meaning to it. It can be about a certain milestone, event, or memory they have of you for the year. This means a lot to us and I appreciate the thoughtfulness they give to it each year.
After the ornaments they got to decorate gingerbread men!

Bre was into eating the frosting and candy more than decorating. She did get one made and it was cute.

We playing the skittle game where you had to move skittles from one bowl to your cup, using a straw. It was fun and I later realized that I am horrible at this game, little oxygen to the brain causes headaches!
Brad, Marlee, and Quinton relaxing!
Bre was into eating the frosting and candy more than decorating. She did get one made and it was cute.
We playing the skittle game where you had to move skittles from one bowl to your cup, using a straw. It was fun and I later realized that I am horrible at this game, little oxygen to the brain causes headaches!
Gavin holding up his ornament. He got a Horton Hears a Who one, because Nana and Papa treated us to that movie when it came out. We had a great time at the movie!
Bre got a little pink princess snowman ornament. Do I need to say more?
Chad got a fire truck because he is a fire fighter and I got a Minnie Mouse ornament because I love Disney!
Gavin with his Nana!
Our annual friend Christmas party! This year we had it at Alli and Grant's house. We had delicious hawaiian haystacks. Then we exchanged white elephants, some of the exciting ones were large panties (Tracy got those), thongs (Jeremy got those), stress balls (Alli got those), and I got a bug zapper. Chad kept trying to hit me with it and I kept telling him that it would hurt. He didn't believe me and tapped his hand on it, all of a sudden you saw this huge electric flash and Chad on the ground! Yes, he got shocked (zapped), it was a huge comic relief for everyone. Next time he'll believe me (not really)!
We missed Dave and Michelle!
We went to decorate my Grandma Kari's room for the holiday's so we decided to make an event out of it. We loaded all the kids and we headed up to her care center. We got up there around 8:00 PM and the party started. The cute aides there brought out apple juice and cookies for the kids. We sat in her room and sang christmas carols, the kids did performances for her, and we talked. What a great memory!
Our annual friend Christmas party! This year we had it at Alli and Grant's house. We had delicious hawaiian haystacks. Then we exchanged white elephants, some of the exciting ones were large panties (Tracy got those), thongs (Jeremy got those), stress balls (Alli got those), and I got a bug zapper. Chad kept trying to hit me with it and I kept telling him that it would hurt. He didn't believe me and tapped his hand on it, all of a sudden you saw this huge electric flash and Chad on the ground! Yes, he got shocked (zapped), it was a huge comic relief for everyone. Next time he'll believe me (not really)!