Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Pictures with an Update!

I wanted to post about planting our Bubba tree over Memorial weekend, but the rain prevented that from happening. We get to do that this weekend when Chad is home. Instead I decided now would be a great time to write an update on the Pate family and show off my lil' kiddies since I think they are the cutest!
Chad - As you know is working full-time for Midvale Fire and part-time for Saratoga Springs fire. Between those two departments he is very busy, but has decided that he wants to enroll in fall semester at UVSC to work towards his Paramedic.
Me - I have one week left of school and I can't wait to actually have a summer this go around. The last two summers I have been working on my Master's degree which I received on May 3rd. I am also moving to a new school and possibly a new grade. I may be moving from 6th to 1st...can you say crazy!!! I am a little excited and little freaked out, but either way I know I will have a good time.
Gavin - Is turning 4 on Sunday! Where did time go? He also just finished his first year of preschool and loved it. He didn't sing at the celebration because he said he was too shy (ya right!). Gavin is such an inquisitive boy, he wants to know how things work, why things happen, and how to fix things. I am amazed at the things he comes up with and what he can actually do. His new saying is "totally" and he uses it whenever he can. Right now Gavin loves Transformers, looking through books, and doing anything as long as it is outside. I love this boy!
Bre - Is is 21 months old and is my sidekick! She loves Dora and loves to sing the Dora song, which is the cutest thing to hear. She also loves music and dancing. Whenever we are in the car she screams "up" which is our cue to turn the radio up. She bounces her head and tries to sing a long. Her new saying is "No I don't" and Chad loves to get her to say it! Bre always has to have her 3 babies and her two Dora blankets before she even think about going to sleep. She is very head strong but such a sweetie. She is all girl but enjoys hanging with the boys. I absolutely love having a little girl!
Visiting dad at the Fire Station!
Gaver driving the fire truck.
Gaver and B's playing super heroes!
Mom and B's.
B's keeping her candy from Bubba! We miss him so much!

Breezy showing off her mouth after eating a BLUE sucker! Chad giving Gavin a haircut with Bre as his audience.
Building a hut and playing with Gaver's and B's.
Lil' Miss Breezy!
Gaver pretending to drive Bre around at Daddy's work. Check out that belly!

Gavin with his preschool teachers Miss Lola and Miss Norma! They were great!
Gavin at his preschool celebration!
Gavin with Grandma.
Gavin loves to climb in and cuddle with Bre!
Me and Allison my partner and crime in teaching. She is amazing!


Tara said...

Thanks for the update! and may I just say that you look fabulous Karilee! You guys have such a darling little family. That little girl of yours is killer - she is a perfect mix of you two I think.

Shani said...

I loved your update! I feel like I haven't talked to you forever even though I know it has only been like a week. I am going through MothaGoose withdrawls. We need another lunch and shop date. SOON! Call me.

**Cunningham's** said...

Oh your babies are so cute!! I can't believe you are switching grades... that would be a bit crazy. You'll have to let me know where you go cause I'm back in school so I'm sure I'll need a classroom to visit again :)

Grant and Alli said...

Its about time! I love Gav and B's to death! I would have them as my own if I could:) Cute pics I Love'em..

heather said...

It is so great to hear how your family is doing. Your kids are adorable and you are one hot mama! Congrats on the Masters that is such a huge accomplishment! So it's crazy how your little girl is a mini Pate and Karilee. You guys are such a cute family.