Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bubba Chubbs

Bubba as a puppy!
Bubba lounging around.
Bubba showing just how patient he was by letting us put a diaper on him!
Bubba's idea of walking!
This shows Bubba's personality! He as the cutest little nerd!
Today has been one of the toughest days of our family's life. Our cute little bubba passed away unexpectedly from liver/kidney failure. It is amazing at how these little guys come to your home and become part of the family. He was one of us! Bubba was the cutest most loveable dog in the entire world. He loved playing, eating, and getting attention! Bubba lived up to his name in so many ways. He was the runt of the litter yet loved eating so much that he became twice as big as he was supposed to. He couldn't jump up onto our bed (so we lifted him up) yet he could jump up onto the table to get to food when he wanted! He loved to go on walks as long as he could ride in the stroller or wagon! Bubba brought so much joy into our family, he was the best with Gavin and Bre. They could pull, poke, step, or do whatever to Bubba and he would just sit there. He was their protector (thank heavens he never really had to put it into practice)! What more could you ask for in a dog. So this is to you Bubba! You are one of a kind and can never be replaced. Thanks for bringing much happiness, many smiles, and a bunch of love to our home. We will miss the barking at any random noise made, the chasing around the house, the scratches to go outside, all the playing, and most importantly the cuddling on the couch. I hope they have Bacon Strips in dog heaven! Mommy, daddy, Gaver and B's love you and will miss you much!


Grant and Alli said...

Thats to cute! Bubba was such a funny dog, he truly was meant to be in your family!! I miss him already:( I just cry thinking about him!! Love you guys!

Shani said...

Motha Goose! I loved Bubba. My favorite was when he would hide under your bed. And for the record, I am sure they do have bacon strips in heaven! I love you and am so sad for you!

Whitney said...

That is so sad. I am so sorry. Bubba was such a cute little dog.

heather said...

Hey Karilee! Your blog is so cute. We ran into Pate a few weeks ago and it was great to see him. It sounds like you guys are doing well. We'll have to all get together one of these days.

Brooke said...

How sad! I am so sorry! Do the kids understand it at all? That would be hard to explain. Also, I meant to comment on the Deal or No Deal post. I can't believe they were so lame towards you. That seems like such a great idea. You would have been great on that show! I actually sent in a video once but never heard anything back.. they don't know what they are missing!

Tara Lee said...

Hi Karilee!! How fun that we found each other in blogland! :) I'm so sorry to hear about your dog... I hope your kiddies are ok. That would be hard to explain. By the way your kids are DARLING! And you look great too! I'm glad to see you guys are doing well.

Are you guys going to the reunion?

ellisboys said...

thanks for leaving a comment on my blog, it is fun to see old friends, on the computer at least. so sorry about bubba, I am sure they have bacon strips for him! good to hear all is going well, tell chad hello. talk to you later. Hollie