Easter was a BLAST! As Gavin and Bre get older the holidays are getting more and more fun. The Easter bunny hid Gavin's in his favorite hiding spot the towel closet and Bre's in the bath tub. They had a fun time going around and looking for it, just like we do in hide-in-seek. Of course they were spoiled from everyone and had toys and candy coming out of everywhere. We went up to Great Grandma Tootsie's for our annual egg hunt. Then the following Sunday we celebrated with Nana and Papa which is where the pictures are from. We had another egg hunt with everyone and enjoyed the company. Gavin and Bre's loved Easter so much that they continued hiding eggs for each other weeks later.
A little surprise came the weekend after Easter, where Chad had to have emergency Gallbladder surgery. He had been having some belly pain for awhile and they started running tests. Both came back that his gallbladder wasn't even working. Chad called from work to see what was going on and the doctor told him to get to the ER. So, his crew transported him to the ER in their ambulance, which was entertainment for them all. He had it removed and came home the next day. He is doing much better, it was quite scary the first week of recovery, but things are getting back to normal. We now just need to figure out why he can't sleep!
Mother's Day was a nice and relaxing day. It is always fun to be able to spend time with your family and let your mom(s) know just how much you love and appreciate all that they do! Again I am reminded just how lucky I am to have such an inspirational mom who is an amazing example to me, I just adore her and hope that I can be the type of mom she is. I absolutely love and appreciate my mother-in-law and am so grateful for the relationship that I have with her. Then to my sweet Grandma Tootsie and my late Grandma Kari who have left and continue to create such a great legacy! They lived and shown what true sacrifice and unconditional love is all about. I am forever grateful for all that they did and continue to do! I love all you guys!
Gavin decided he wanted to try Tee-ball this spring, which started and has already ended! He got to play with some of his buddies which made it even better! The first game they hit from tee's then after that the coach pitched to them. Gavin did such a great job and has got quite the little swing. The funniest (kind of) part was we were practicing in the backyard when he hit a line drive and pegged our dog Chubbs between the eyes. If knocked him out, but he recovered. The next game (no kidding) Gav hit a foul ball and hit another dog in the head, he was being held by its owner! I just had to laugh, my child had only been play for two weeks and had already hit two dogs! It was fun to watch him and all the others try to pick up the concept of baseball. At times Gav became the little social bug and chatted with whoever was on first base! In the end Gav told me he liked soccer better because it is way easier since all you do is kick the ball in the net. At the end is a fun dance that Gav
After Gav's last game we decided to do a family night and go fishing. This was Bre's first time fishing with her new Dora pole and she was so excited. The fish were jumping out of the water which was fun and entertaining. Believe it or not the Dora pole was the fishes choice, we caught two off of it. Gav loved casting and reeling in, the whole waiting thing got to be a little boring, so that was daddy's job. Bre just enjoyed being outside and holding on to her Dora fishing pole. We are lovin the spring weather and can't wait to go camping in our new trailer!
The other pictures are from when I had my niece and nephews over. They wanted to do some dressing up, so Kailee put on some of my old dresses, Bre put on her princess dress, and Gavin told me he wanted to dress like a "cool dude!" As the pictures tell we had a blast! Kailee and Bre looked really pretty and Gavin looked pretty cool!